CPUMODE.EXE =========== I wrote this program because each time I start Windows I am never sure which mode it has decided to start up in (depending on how much free memory there is etc). The best way to use this program is to edit the file called WIN.INI in your Windows directory and put CPUMODE in the list of programs on the LOAD= line. This ensures that the program is loaded each time Windows starts. The program just displays as an icon at the bottom of the screen showing which mode Windows is using. It flashes between the mode and the title icon at a rate that can be changed in the About... dialog. Clicking on the icon produces the system menu that can be used to move or close the program. The About... entry includes the flash rate and when you click OK this is written to a file called CPUMODE.INI in your Windows directory so the same rate is used next time you run the program. There is also some very minimal help available from the system menu Help... option. This program is completely free and may be copied/distributed by anyone who wants it. Cliff Lawson Amstrad plc. 9th June 1991